Archive for April, 2008

Gaining & Losing

April 2, 2008

      Wats the difference? When u gain something, u will cherish it and lose it ultimately, feeling the pain. When u lose it, u go in search of another one and may gain, restarting the cycle. This has been an eventful year. I had seen the castles carefully constructed over the last few years razed to the ground. The dust that had risen as a result forced me to close my eyes. All I need to open up is a gentle breeze that will blow away the dust. I anticipate that, and in wait for it in eagerness, spending little thought for merest things (like refraining myself from the use of “ness” ), merer things ( like abstaining myself from watching “Gamyam” 2nd show for the 3rd time 1 night before the end sem (2,3,1 with no num in its true place——–more about these positions in the next few lines)) and mere things ( IIM-B interview which was as bad as it can get)

Coming to the positions things there is only one correct position (1,2,3) but were misplaced due to their time of arrivals. To be more clear, there is a girl (or a boy, if the reader chooses it to be) who is the 2nd best fit to u but gets acquainted with u before the 1st one. It just has to happen that 2 has to be pumped out, making space for 1 which deserves the top spot. I have recently pumped out someone or may be it wasn`t as planned as I made it appear to be. Hope the best fit isn`t too far behind in the queue.

I am being vague these days. Lets get into something else. Yesterday we were out for the mango hunt and the guard yelled at us “wat are u doing?”. He assumed himself to be a Sherlock Holmes ; we gave him a suitable reply though. (As Sh & lock were mentioned I was just wondering whether we have some Shylocks here). It is a pity that people who pay the fees don`t even know what happens to that..leave aside the resources and all these things that exist in theory..we don`t even know what fate belies the mangoes. May be it is thought that all those fruits will give a great look to the campus (as if it terribly needs one)

One more thing I fail to comprehend is my receipt for the money I paid for temporary id card carries “received with thanks from” my name. I do not see the meaning behind “thanks” as I am not getting it done free of cost. It looks like everyone has conspired to put me out of all this too soon. April 30th is the deadline for vacating the hostel room. ONE MORE THING (jackie chan anime is responsible for this) I &*%$# is our seniors were given time till may 31st and we were given 30 days less. I finished searching my INBOX for the mail which warrantees some decrease in room rent for our batch but could not find it. Instead when I dug much deeper, I found a mail (1st yr) which says something like 32,500 per semester and a yearly hike of 1000. Unless my cognitive ability failed me or the fact that I haven`t used a calculator for the addition had distorted the result, we having paid 36,000 in the final year was something contrary to the mail.

I should rather be positive and take everything in my stride (as many of u wud like to tell me). May be I ought to be or may be u ought to be a more realistic ( for the sake of “combined good” (Ayn Rand) would like it, I will assume the latter part and u can assume the former).

P.S.1. IIMB experience was a night-mare..shall never write abt it even if I get through!

P.S.2. Will be in the train to delhi in 25 hrs

P.S.3. Bowl o China rox!

P.S.4. Tarak! u can count me in ur clan